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Sacrifice Sunday: April 16, 2017

Sacrifice Sunday is an annual love offering above and beyond our regular giving that goes to special causes. The main goal of this year's offering will be to collect two years worth of monthly funding for Nick & Lindsey Stelzig as they plant a new church in the Boston area. Church planting can be a lifelong endeavor, so this offering will be a start in our long term commitment to support Nick & Lindsey. You can learn more about the Stelzigs at The rest of the funds will be purposed for the establishment of a new building fund, the upgrade of audio recording equipment, and the purchase a defibrillator for our facility.

Would the members of NESBC fervently pray for the Lord's guidance? We are setting a goal of $7,000 to accomplish these tasks. The order is very tall for a small church, but we know our God has no limit of depth to his riches.

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