Visiting a new church can be a little scary and overwhelming. We invite you to explore the information below to make your visit something to look forward to.
We are sinners who have been rescued from sin by Jesus Christ. Though we have different backgrounds, ethnicities, opinions, and personalities, we find commonality in the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We gather each week to worship the one true God revealed in the Bible, and equip Christians to do His will. We're grateful for the privilege He has given us to worship, live, and serve in our local community.
Our desire is not to just "do church," but to be Christ's church, body, and family in our communities. We take great joy in bearing each other's burdens, weeping with those who weep, rejoicing with those who rejoice and pointing all to the glory of our Savior. Come as a stranger, leave as family.
Our services are traditional. We sing classic hymns and receive practical verse-by-verse (expository) preaching and teaching directly from the Bible. We use the KJV or NKJV, but other translations are welcome. Our goal is to make every service all about God, and not ourselves. Sunday morning worship services generally last one hour and fifteen minutes. Sunday School for all ages is at 9:30am. Morning Worship is at 10:30am. Practical Christian Training Hour is at 1:15pm. Wednesday Night Bible Study is at 6:30pm.
Our infants, toddlers, and children have a safe, clean, well-staffed nursery for kids four-years-old and younger. For children in Kindergarten through 6th grade, we offer various ministries depending on the season.
Our members and friends dress in many different ways. Pastor Tim will be in a coat and tie while other attendees range from casual to formal. Our focus is God’s focus, the heart (1Samuel 16:7). Vacationers are always welcome. Come as you are, but leave changed by the Word of God. We seek to be a family that encourages one another, bears each other's burdens, laughs together, prays together, cries together, worships the Lord together, and ministers together.
We value the Bible as God's literal authority for the Christian faith.
We value Jesus' church is a people and not a building.
We value every person because we are all created for the glory of God.
We value church services as worship and not entertainment.
We value children as part of the church today and not just the future.
We value the local church a family of God and the household of the faith.
We value all people as created equally and priceless in God's sight.
We value traditional music.
We value the Bible as the answer book for all life's questions.
We value fellowship with other Christians as it brings great joy and encouragement.
We value right doctrine and Bible teaching.
We value a church that teaches people how to be disciples of Jesus.
We meet for every service at American Legion Post 35 of the Hamptons (69 High Street Hampton, NH). It is a smoke/alcohol-free building that is excellent for church services. We often jest that we let the American Legion use our building because it looks so much like a church inside. You can park on the side or in the rear of the building. There is also a parking lot right across the street.