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Drinking And God's Glory

A Biblical Evaluation of the Consumption of Alcohol from Ancient and Modern Times.

A new Sunday afternoon series will begin on July 21 entitled, "Drinking and The Glory of God: A Biblical Evaluation of the Consumption of Alcohol from Ancient and Modern Times." 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God." The study will answer many questions about the drinking of alcohol in the Bible and how Biblical application can be made today. Should Christians drink socially? Did Jesus drink wine? Does the Bible forbid drinking alcohol or just warn against its danger? Can the Christian consume modern alcohol and glorify God? We will look into the science of ancient wine making and recreate some ancient methods of pressing and preserving grapes.

Pastor Tim Lewis approaches the Scriptures thoroughly with an exegetical, grammatical/historical, and authoritative method. The Bible is the literal, verbal Word of God that is the standard for all all faith, life, and practice.

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