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Daily Devotion: Wednesday


Hampton NH Baptist Church Churches

Psalm of the Day: Psalm 119:57-64

Wisdom of the Day: Job 36:17-33

Scripture Reading: Luke 9:37-45

The event described in these verses took place immediately after the transfiguration. The Lord Jesus did not tarry long on the Mount of Olives. His communion with Moses and Elijah was very short. He soon returned to His usual work of doing good to a sin-stricken world. In His life on earth, to receive honor and have visions of glory was the exception. To minister to others, to heal all who were oppressed by the devil, to do acts of mercy to sinners was the rule. Happy are those Christians who have learned of Jesus, to live for others more than for themselves; and who understand that it is "more blessed to give, than to receive" (Acts 20:35).

We are told of a man in severe distress about his only son. This son was possessed by an evil spirit, and grievously tormented by him, both in body and soul. In his distress, the father makes application to our Lord Jesus Christ for relief. "Master, I beseech You, look upon my son for he is my only child."

There are many Christian fathers and mothers at this day who are just as miserable about their children as the man of whom we are reading. The son who was once the "desire of their eyes," and in whom their lives were bound up turns out to be a thief, a profligate, and a companion of sinners. The daughter who was once the flower of the family becomes self-willed, worldly minded, and a lover of pleasure more than a lover of God.

Their hearts are well near broken. The iron seems to enter into their souls. The devil appears to triumph over them, and rob them of their choicest jewels. They are ready to cry, "I shall go sorrowing to the grave. What good shall my life do to me?"

Now what should a father or mother do in a case like this? They should do as the man before us did. They should go to Jesus in prayer, and cry to Him about their child. They should spread before that merciful Savior, the tale of their sorrows and entreat Him to help them. Great is the power of prayer and intercession! As a child lives, and a parent prays we have no right to despair about that child's soul.

Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, I pray for those who are wayward. Please revive their hearts.

Action Plan: There are many on our churches today who have children that walked away from the Lord. How are you encouraging them, praying for them, and loving them?

This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858

and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.

New England Shores Baptist Church Hampton NH Seacoast

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