Psalm of the Day: Psalm 71:13-24
Wisdom of the Day: Ecclesiastes 9:11-18
Scripture Reading: Luke 6:20-26
Let us first notice who they are, whom the Lord Jesus pronounced BLESSED. The list is a remarkable and startling one. It singles out those who are "poor," and those who "hunger" those who "weep," and those who are "hated" by man. These are the people to whom the great Head of the Church says, "Blessed are you!"
We must take good heed that we do not misunderstand our Lord's meaning, when we read these expressions. We must not for a moment suppose that the mere fact of being poor, and hungry, and sorrowful, and hated by man will entitle anyone to lay claim to an interest in Christ's blessing.
The poverty here spoken of is a poverty accompanied by grace. The need here spoken of is a need entailed by faithful adherence to Jesus. The afflictions here spoken of are the afflictions of the Gospel. The persecution here spoken of is persecution for the Son of Man's sake. Such need, and poverty, and affliction, and persecution were the inevitable consequences of faith in Christ, at the beginning of Christianity. Thousands had to give up everything in this world, because of their belief in Jesus. It was their case which Jesus had specially in view in this passage. He desired to supply them, and all who suffer like them for the Gospel's sake with special comfort and consolation.
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, help me to hunger after righteousness so I can be in a place of blessing.
Action Plan: What do I do each day that can help me hunger after God's righteousness?
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.