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Daily Devotion: Wednesday

Hampton NH Baptist Church Churches

Psalm of the Day: Psalm 96

Wisdom of the Day: Job 16:12-22

Scripture Reading: Luke 8:1-3

Let us see privilege which our Lord grants to His faithful followers. We read that those who accompanied Him in His journeyings, "These women were ministering to them out of their own substance." Of course He did not need their help. That mighty Savior who could multiply a few loaves and fish into food for thousands could have called forth food from the earth for His own sustenance. But He did not do so, for two reasons.

One reason was, that He would show us that He was man like ourselves and that He lived a life of faith in His Father's providence. The other reason was, that by allowing His followers to minister to Him, He might prove their love, and test their regard for Himself. True love will count it a pleasure to give anything to the object loved. False love will often talk and profess much, but do and give nothing at all.

The simple truth is that God wants to use us to minister. He lets Christians be fellow workers with Him that He may manifest who has a will to "minister", and who has none.

He lets the spread of the Gospel be carried on that He may manifest who are the covetous and unbelieving, and who are the truly "rich towards God." In short, the visible Church of Christ may be divided into two great parties: those who "minister" unto Christ, and those who do not.

May we all remember this great truth, and test our own selves! While we live, we are all upon our trial. Our lives are continually showing whose we are, and whom we serve whether we love Christ, or whether we love the world. Happy are those who know something of ministering to Christ willingly! It is a thing which can still be done, though we do not see Him with our eyes.

Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, please use me however you see fit.

Action Plan: Ponder upon some opportunities of how you can serve God through your local church and then talk to you pastor about serving.

This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858

and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.

New England Shores Baptist Church Hampton NH Seacoast

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