Psalm of the Day: Psalm 108:1-13
Wisdom of the Day: Job 28:1-14
Scripture Reading: Luke 8:49-56
Let us notice the almighty power which our Lord Jesus Christ possesses even over death. We are told that He came to the house of Jairus and turned the mourning into joy. He took the breathless body of the ruler's daughter by the hand, and said, "My child, arise!" At once by that all-powerful voice, life was restored. "Her life returned, and she arose immediately.
"Let us take comfort in the thought, that there is a limit to death's power. The king of terrors is very strong. How many generations he has mowed down and swept into the dust! How many of the wise and strong, and lovely he has swallowed down and snatched away in their prime! How many victories he has won, and how often he has written "Vanity of vanities!" on the pride of man! Patriarchs, and kings, and prophets, and apostles have all in turn been obliged to yield to him. They have all died.
But thanks be unto God, there is one stronger than death. There is one who has said, "O death! I will be your plague! O grave! I will be your destruction!" (Hosea 13:14.) That One is the Friend of sinners, Christ Jesus the Lord. He proved His power frequently when He came to the earth the first time in the house of Jairus, by the tomb of Bethany, in the gate of Nain. He will prove His power to all the world, when He comes again. "The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death!" (1 Corinthians 15:26) "The earth shall cast out the dead!" (Isaiah 26:19)
Let us leave the passage with the consoling thought that the things which happened in Jairus' house are a type of good things to come. The hour is coming and will soon be here when the voice of Christ shall call all His people from their graves, and gather them together to part no more. Believing husbands shall once more see believing wives. Believing parents shall once more see believing children. Christ shall unite His whole redeemed family in the great home in Heaven, and all tears shall be wiped from all eyes!
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, help me to trust in your absolute power.
Action Plan: What limits do you suppose the power of God has? If he has no limit like the Bible says, how do I trust in that power daily? How do I fail? What does God desire for me?
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.