Psalm of the Day: Psalm 90:1-17
Wisdom of the Day: Job 13:15-28
Scripture Reading: Luke 7:36-50
We see in this passage that men may show some outward respect to Christ and yet remain unconverted. The Pharisee before us is a case in point. He showed our Lord Jesus Christ more respect than many did. He even asked Jesus to have dinner with him. Yet all this time he was profoundly ignorant of the nature of Christ's Gospel. His proud heart secretly revolted at the sight of a poor contrite sinner being allowed to wash our Lord's feet. And even the hospitality he showed, appears to have been cold. Our Lord Himself says, "You did not give me any water for my feet. You did not give me a kiss. You did not put oil on my head." In short, in all that the Pharisee did, there was one great defect.
There was outward civility but there was no heart-love. We shall do well to remember the case of this Pharisee. It is quite possible to have a decent form of religion and yet to know nothing of the Gospel of Christ. It is possible to treat Christianity with respect and yet to be utterly blind about its cardinal doctrines. It is quite possible to behave with great correctness and propriety at Church and yet to hate justification by faith, and salvation by grace, with a deadly hatred.
Do we really feel affection toward the Lord Jesus? Can we say, "Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you!" Have we cordially embraced His whole Gospel? Are we willing to enter Heaven side by side with the chief of sinners, and to owe all our hopes to sovereign grace? These are questions which we ought to consider. If we cannot answer them satisfactorily, then we are in no respect better than Simon the Pharisee; and our Lord might say to us, "I have something to tell you."
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, please help me to search my heart and grow more passion for you. If I am not a genuine believer, please show me the way through the Gospel.
Action Plan: How much affection do I have for God? Is my relationship built on logic and knowledge or do I have a heart-love for God? What fruit can I point to that shows my love for God?
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.