Psalm of the Day: Psalm 106:1-15
Wisdom of the Day: Job 24:1-25
Scripture Reading: Luke 8:37-40
Let us observe that the man out of whom the devils were departed, besought our Lord that he might be with Him, but his request was not granted. We read that Jesus sent him away, saying, "Return to your own home and tell them the great things which God has done unto you."
We can easily understand the request which this man made. He felt deeply grateful for the amazing mercy which he had just received in being cured. He felt full of love and warm affection toward Him, who had so wonderfully and graciously cured him. Family, relations, friends, home, house, country all seemed as nothing in his eyes. He felt that he cared for nothing but to be with Christ.
We cannot blame him for his feelings. They may have been tinged with something of enthusiasm and inconsideration. Excited feelings in religion are far better than no feelings at all, but why did our Lord Jesus Christ refuse to grant this man's request?
Our Lord did what He did, in infinite wisdom. He saw that it was more for his good to be a witness for the Gospel at home than to be a disciple abroad. He did it in mercy to the Gadarenes. He left among them, one standing testimony of the truth of His own divine mission.
There is a lesson of deep experimental wisdom in this little incident, which all true Christians would do well to lay to heart. Our own ignorance is good for us in this world, and the necessity of submitting our own wills to the will of Christ. Let us pray for the spirit of "contentment with such things as we have." Let us be fearful of choosing for ourselves in this life, without Christ's consent or moving in this world.
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, give me what you will. Place me where you will. Only let me be Your disciple and abide in You.
Action Plan: How do I serve God through my local church? How does God want me to serve? Speak with your pastor and review what you can do for the Lord.
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.