Psalm of the Day: Psalm 115:1-18
Wisdom of the Day: Job 31:12-28
Scripture Reading: Luke 9:12-17
The miracle described in these verses is more frequently related in the Gospels than any that our Lord wrought. There is no doubt a meaning in this repetition. It is intended to draw our special attention to the things which it contains.
We see a striking example of our Lord Jesus Christ's divine power. He feeds an assembly of five thousand men, with five loaves and two fish. He makes a scanty supply of food, which was barely sufficient for the daily needs of Himself and His disciples to satisfy the hunger of a company as large as a Roman legion. There could be no mistake about the reality and greatness of this miracle. It was done publicly, and before many witnesses. The same power which at the beginning made the world out of nothing caused food to exist, which before had not existed. Nothing can explain the whole transaction, but the finger of God.
The miracle before us is one among many proofs that with Christ, nothing is impossible. The Savior of sinners is Almighty. When He wills a thing it shall be done. When He commands a thing it shall come to pass. He can create light out of darkness, order out of disorder, strength out of weakness, joy out of sorrow, and food out of nothing at all.
Forever let us bless God that it is so! We might well despair, when we see the corruption of human nature, and the desperate hardness and unbelief of man's heart — if we did not know the power of Christ." Thanks be to God, Jesus has all power in Heaven and earth. He lives in Heaven for us, able to save to the uttermost and therefore we may hope.
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, thank you for the power of Christ. Help me to trust in him.
Action Plan: If Christ has all this power, how does he want to use it in your life? List five New Testament promises for the Christian from Christ.
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.