Psalm of the Day: Psalm 7
Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 4:1-27
Scripture Reading: Luke 1:13-17
We have, in these verses, the words of the angel who appeared to Zachariah. They are words full of deep spiritual instruction.
We learn that no children cause such true joy, as those who have the grace of God. It was a child about to be filled with the Holy Spirit, to whose father it was said, "You shall have joy and gladness — and many shall rejoice at his birth."
Grace is the principal portion that we should desire for our children. It is a thousand times better for them than beauty, riches, honors, rank, or high connections. Until they have grace — we never know what they may do. They may make us weary of our life, and bring down our grey hairs with sorrow to the grave! When they are converted, and not until then, they are provided for — both for time and eternity. "A wise son makes a glad father." (Proverbs 10:1.) Whatever we seek for our sons and daughters — let us first seek that they may have a place in the covenant, and a name in the book of life.
We learn the nature of true greatness. The angel describes it, when he tells Zachariah that his son "shall be great in the sight of the Lord." The measure of greatness which is common among men — is utterly false and deceptive. Princes and potentates, conquerors and leaders of armies, statesmen and philosophers, artists and authors — these are the kind of men whom the world calls "great."
Such greatness is not recognized among the angels of God. Those who do great things for God — they reckon great. Those who do little for God — they reckon little. They measure and value every man according to the position in which he is likely to stand at the last day and through eternity.
Let us not be ashamed to make God's angels our example in this matter. Let us seek for ourselves and our children, that true greatness which will be owned and recognized in the eternal world. It is a greatness which is within the reach of all — of the poor, as well as the rich — of the servant, as well as of the master. It does not depend on power or patronage — nor on money or friends. It is the free gift of God to all who seek it at the Lord Jesus Christ's hands. It is the portion of all who hear Christ's voice and follow Him — who fight Christ's battle and do Christ's work in the world. Such may receive little honor in this life. But their reward shall be great at the last day!
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, help me live in a way that reflects your greatness and glory.
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.