Psalm of the Day: Psalm 122:1-9
Wisdom of the Day: Proverbs 3:1-17
Scripture Reading: Luke 10:8-16
We should notice the honor which the Lord Jesus is pleased to put upon His faithful ministers. We see this brought out in the words with which He concludes His charge to the seventy disciples. He says to them, "He who hears you, hears Me; and he who despises you, despises Me; and he who despises Me, despises Him who sent me."
The language here used by our Lord is very remarkable, and the more so when we remember that it was addressed to the seventy disciples, and not to the twelve apostles. The lesson it is intended to convey is clear is that ministers are to be regarded as Christ's messengers and ambassadors to a sinful world. So long as they do their work faithfully, they are worthy of honor and respect for their Master's sake. Those who despise them, are not despising them so much as their Master. Those who reject the terms of salvation which they are commissioned to proclaim, are doing an injury not so much to them as to their King.
Let us remember these things, in order that we may form a right estimate of the position of a minister of the Gospel. The minister who declares all the counsel of God, and keeps back nothing that is profitable is one whose words cannot be disregarded without great sin. He is on the King's business. He is a herald. He is an ambassador. He is the bearer of a flag of truce. He brings the glad tidings of terms off peace.
To such a man, the words of our Lord will prove strictly applicable. The rich may trample on him. The wicked may hate him. The pleasure-lover may be annoyed at him. The covetous may be vexed by him. But he may take comfort daily in His Master's words, "He who despises you, despises Me." The last day will prove that these words were not spoken in vain!
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, please help my pastor to be faithful.
Action Plan: Pray for your pastor today. How can you be a blessing to him?
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.