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Daily Devotion: Saturday

Hampton NH Baptist Church Churches

Psalm of the Day: Psalm 20

Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 11:24-31

Scripture Reading: Luke 2:25-35

We see, lastly, in this passage — a striking account of the RESULTS which would follow when Jesus Christ and His Gospel came into the world. Every word of old Simeon on this subject deserves private meditation. The whole forms a prophecy which is being daily fulfilled.

Christ was to be "a sign spoken against." He was to be a mark for all the fiery darts of the wicked one. He was to be "despised and rejected by men." He and His people were to be a "city set upon a hill" — assailed on every side, and hated by all sorts of enemies.

And so it proved. Men who agreed in nothing else — have agreed in hating Christ. From the very first, thousands of unbelievers have been persecutors of believers. Christ was to be the occasion of "the fall of many in Israel." He was to be a stone of stumbling and rock of offence to many proud and self-righteous Jews — who would reject Him and perish in their sins. And so it proved. To multitudes among them — Christ crucified was a stumbling-block, and His Gospel "a savor of death." (1 Corinthians 1:23; 2 Corinthians 2:16.)

Christ was to be the occasion of "rising again to many in Israel." He was to prove the Savior of many who, at one time, rejected, blasphemed, and reviled Him — but afterwards repented and believed.

And so it proved. When the thousands who crucified Him repented, and Saul who persecuted Him was converted — this was nothing less than a rising again.

Christ was to be the occasion of "the thoughts of many hearts being revealed." His Gospel was to bring to light, the real characters of many people. The enmity to God of some, and the inward weariness and hunger of others — would be revealed by the preaching of the cross. It would show what men really were. And so it proved. The Acts of the Apostles, in almost every chapter — bear testimony that in this, as in every other item of his prophecy, old Simeon spoke truth.

And now what do we think of Christ? This is the question which ought to occupy our minds. What thoughts does He call forth in our hearts? This is the inquiry which ought to receive our attention. Are we for Him — or are we against Him? Do we love Him — or do we neglect Him? Do we stumble at His doctrine — or do we find it as life from the dead? Let us never rest until these questions are satisfactorily answered.

Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, please help me reflect on how much I value Christ.

This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858

and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.

New England Shores Baptist Church Hampton NH Seacoast

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