Psalm of the Day: Psalm 104:1-17
Wisdom of the Day: Job 22:1-15
Scripture Reading: Luke 8:22-25
The event in our Lord's life described in these verses is related three times in the Gospels. This circumstance should teach us the importance of the event, and should make us "give the more heed" to the lessons it contains.
We see, firstly, that our Lord Jesus Christ was really man as well as God. We read that as he sailed over the Lake of Gennesaret in a ship with his disciples, "he fell asleep." Sleep, we must be all aware, is one of the conditions of our natural constitution as human beings. Angels and demons require neither food nor refreshment. But flesh and blood, to keep up a healthy existence must eat, and drink, and sleep. If the Lord Jesus could be weary and need rest, then He must have had two natures in one person — a human nature as well as a divine nature.
The truth now before us is full of deep consolation and encouragement for all true Christians. The one Mediator, in whom we are bid to trust has Himself been "partaker of flesh and blood." The mighty High Priest, who is living for us at God's right hand has had personal experience of all the sinless infirmities of the body. He has himself hungered, and thirsted, and suffered pain. He has himself endured weariness, and sought rest in sleep.
Let us pour out our hearts before him with freedom, and tell Him our least troubles without reserve. He who made atonement for us on the cross is one who "can be touched with the feeling of our infirmities" (Hebrews 4:15). To be weary of working for God is sinful, but to be wearied and worn in doing God's work is no sin at all. Jesus himself was weary, and Jesus slept.
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, thank you that Jesus knows my every burden and weakness
Action Plan: If Jesus knows everything about me, how much more do I need to pray and trust that God will take care of me?
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.