Psalm of the Day: Psalm 146:1-10
Wisdom for the Day: Proverbs 15:13-23
Scripture Reading: Luke 11:21-26
Let us observe what a fearful picture our Lord draws of Satan's power. There are four points in His description, which are peculiarly instructive. Christ speaks of Satan as a "STRONG man." The strength of Satan has been proved by his victories over the souls of men. He tempted Adam and Eve to rebel against God, and brought sin into the world. He who is called the "Prince of this world" is an enemy to be despised. The devil is very strong.
Christ speaks of Satan as a "strong man, fully ARMED." Satan is well supplied with defensive armor. He is not to be overcome by slight assaults, and feeble exertions. He who would overcome him, must put forth all his strength. "This kind only goes out by prayer and fasting." And Satan is also well supplied with offensive weapons. He is never at a loss for means to injure the soul of man. The devil is well armed.
Christ speaks of man's heart as being Satan's "palace." The natural heart is the favorite abode of the evil one, and all its faculties and powers are his servants, and do his will. He sits upon the throne which God ought to occupy, and governs the inward man. The devil is the "spirit that works in the children of disobedience." (Ephesians 2:2.)
Christ speaks of Satan's "goods being at PEACE." So long as a man is dead in trespasses and sin his heart at ease about spiritual things. He has no fear about the future. He has no anxiety about his soul. He has no dread of falling into Hell. All this is a FALSE PEACE.
Let us never think lightly of the devil. That common practice of idle jesting about Satan which we may often mark in the world, is a great evil. A prisoner must be a very hardened man, who jests about the executioner and the gallows. The heart must be in a very bad state when a man can talk with levity about Hell and the devil. Let us thank God that there is One who is stronger even than Satan. That One is the Friend of sinners, Jesus the Son of God. As mighty as the devil is, he was overcome by Jesus on the cross, when He triumphed over him openly. As strong as the devil is, Christ can pluck his captives out of his hands, and break the chains which bind them. May we never rest until we know that deliverance by experience, and have been set free by the Son of God!
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, give help me to never take the power of Satan lightly.
Action Plan: How often do you take Satan lightly by laughing at evil jokes, entertainment, or music?
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.
