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Daily Devotion: Friday


Hampton NH Baptist Church Churches

Psalm of the Day: Psalm 137:1-9

Wisdom of the Day: Proverbs 8:19-36

Scripture Reading: Luke 10:38-42

Let us observe what a snare to our souls the cares of this world may be, if allowed to take up too much attention. It is plain from the tone of the passage before us, that Martha allowed her anxiety to provide a suitable entertainment for the Lord, to carry her away. Her excessive zeal for temporal provisions made her forget, for a time, the things of her soul. "She was cumbered with much serving." By and bye her conscience pierced her when she found herself alone serving tables, and saw her sister sitting at Jesus' feet and hearing His word. Under the pressure of a conscience ill at ease, her temper became ruffled within and broke out into open complaint. "Lord," she said, "Do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her to help me!"

Martha to whom she was speaking. She brought down on herself a rebuke, and had to learn a lesson which made a lasting impression. The beginning of all this was a little over-anxiety about the innocent household affairs of this world!

If we desire to grow in grace, then we must beware of the cares of this world. Unless we watch and pray, they will insensibly eat up our spirituality, and bring leanness on our souls! Our families, our business, our daily callings, our household affairs, our interaction with society may become snares to our hearts, and may draw us away from God. Let us take heed to ourselves in this matter. Let us watch our habits of mind, lest we fall into sin unawares. If we love God, then we must hold the things of this world with a very loose hand, and beware of allowing anything to have the first place in our hearts.

Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, help me to give you first place in my heart today.

Action Plan: Contemplate those things that often supercede God in your life. How can you overcome them? What Bible verses will help you?

This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858

and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.

New England Shores Baptist Church Hampton NH Seacoast

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