Psalm of the Day: Psalm 3
Wisdom of the Day: Proverbs 18:1-12
Scripture Reading: Luke 11:37-44
Let us notice our Lord Jesus Christ's readiness to go into the company of the unconverted. We read that a certain Pharisee invited Jesus to eat with him. The man was evidently not one of our Lord's disciples. Yet we are told that "Jesus went in and reclined at the table."
The conduct of our Lord is meant to be an example to all Christians. Christ is our pattern as well as our atoning sacrifice. There are times when the servant of Christ must mix with the ungodly and the people of this world. There may be seasons when it may be a duty to hold social dealings with them, to accept their invitations, and sit down at their tables.
Nothing must induce the Christian to be a partaker in the sins or frivolous amusements of the world. But he must not be discourteous. He must not entirely withdraw himself from the society of the unconverted, and become a hermit. He must remember that good may be done in the private room as well as in the pulpit. One qualification, however, should never be forgotten, when we act upon our Lord's example in this matter. Let us take heed that we go down into the company of the unconverted in the same spirit in which Christ went.
Let us remember His boldness in speaking of the things of God. He was always "about His Father's business." Let us remember His faithfulness in rebuking sin. He did not even spare the sins of those who entertained Him, when His attention was publicly called to them.
Let us go into company in the same frame of mind and our souls will take no harm. If we feel that we dare not imitate Christ in the company which we are invited to join, then we may be sure that we had better stay at home.
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, help me to shine like Jesus before the lost.
Action Plan: We often become discouraged when people keep rejecting Christ and the truth of God's Word. Who has the Lord placed on your heart that needs to be encouraged by Scripture?
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.