Psalm of the Day: Psalm 144:1-15
Wisdom of the Day: Proverbs 14:18-35
Scripture Reading: Luke 11:14-20
In the preceding verses, our Lord Jesus Christ had been showing the power and importance of prayer. In the verses before us, he delivers a man from a 'mute' devil. The same Savior who encourages us to pray — is the Savior who destroys Satan's power over our members, and restores our tongues to their proper use.
Let us notice the variety of ways in which Satan exhibits his desire to injure man. We read of a 'mute' devil. Sometimes in the Gospel we are told of an "unclean" devil. Sometimes we are told of a raging and violent devil. Here we are told of one under whose influence the unhappy person possessed by him became mute. Many are the devices of Satan. It is foolish to suppose that he always works in the same manner. He delights to inflict injury and do harm!
The prayerless man is dead while he lives. His members are rebels against the God who made them. The devil is not yet extinct! Let us watch and pray, that we may never be given over to the influence of Satan. Thanks be to God, that same Jesus still lives, who can make the deaf to hear and the mute to speak! To Him, let us flee for help. In Him, let us abide. It is not enough to avoid glaring sins. It is not enough to be moral, and proper, and respectable in our lives. All this is negative goodness, and nothing more. We should never strive to be good because God wants us to strive to be holy. Anything less is failure.
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, help me resist the temptation of Satan through prayer.
Action Plan: Christians must learn that prayer is sweet communion with God. Take fifteen minutes to and pray.
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.
