Psalm of the Day: Psalm 150:1-6
Wisdom of the Day: Proverbs 16:23-33
Scripture Reading: Luke 11:27-32
We should observe how our Lord Jesus Christ testifies to the truth of a resurrection, and a life to come. He speaks of the queen of the south, whose name and dwelling-place are now alike unknown to us. He says "she shall rise up in the judgment." He speaks of the men of Nineveh, a people who have passed away from the face of the earth. He says of them also, "they shall rise up."
There is something very solemn and instructive in the language which our Lord here uses. It reminds us that this world is not all and that the life which man lives in the body on earth, is not the only life of which we ought to think. The kings and queens of olden time are all to live again one day, and to stand before the judgment bar of God. The vast multitudes who once swarmed around the palaces of Nineveh, are all to come forth from their graves, and to give an account of their works.
To our eyes, they seem to have passed away forever. We read with wonder of their empty halls, and talk of them as a people who have completely perished. Their dwelling-places are a desolation. Their very bones are dust. But to the eye of God, they all live still. The queen of the south and the men of Nineveh will all rise again to be judged.
Let the truth of the resurrection be often before our minds. Let the life to come, be frequently before our thoughts. All is not over when the grave receives its tenant, and man goes to his 'long home'. Other people may dwell in our houses, and spend our money. Our very names may soon be forgotten. But still all is not over! Yet in a little while, we shall all live again. "The earth shall cast out the dead." (Isaiah 26:19.) Men who live by faith in the Son of God, like Paul should lift up their heads and rejoice.
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, help me realize that judgment awaits me in the future.
Action Plan: Both Romans 14:10 and 2 Corinthians 5:9 speak of the “judgment seat” only for the Christian. Revelation 20:11-15 speaks of the Great White Throne Judgement. Compare these two judgements. Which one will you attend?
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.