The NESBC Striped Bass Invitational is an annual fishing tournament for the friends, family, and community of New England Shores Baptist Church in Hampton, NH. The guidelines are as follows:
All state and federal regulations must be followed. Each participant must have a valid Recreational Saltwater Fishing License ($11). Fishing is permissible in the states of Maine, New Hampshire, or Massachusetts.
All striped bass below 28 inches must be released. The bag limit is one fish per day. Head and tail must remain intact while on or leaving state waters or shores (no fillets); Gaffing is prohibited; No sale allowed, regardless of origin.
The tournament will run from June 9, 2018 at 12:00am to June 16, 2018 at 8:00pm. Participants may fish individually or as a group anytime between these dates.
The method of fishing for the 2018 tournament will be surfcasting only. Boats are not allowed. All baits and lures are acceptable.
The registration fee is $25 per team with up to three participants per team (children included). This fee must be paid prior to June 9, 2018.
The winning team will be declared according to the most cumulative inches of fish caught per team during the assigned time period. Any sized striped bass will count. All bass under 28 inches must be released.
Once a fish is caught, it must be measured with the provided tape measure. A picture of the fish with the tape measure must be sent as a text message to 603-892-0827, or it will not be counted. The text message must include your name, your team, and the size of the fish. The team with the most inches caught by 8:00pm on June 16, 2018 shall be the winning team.
All teams are invited to the worship service of New England Shores Baptist Church (69 High Street Hampton, NH) at 10:30am on June 17, 2018. A special fish dinner is scheduled after the service (12:00pm) for all participants, friends, and families during a special Father’s Day celebration. The winning team will be announced at 1:00pm.
The grand prize for the first place team is three (3) half-day fishing trips through Eastman’s Docks in Seabrook, NH (rod rental not included). At least one team member must be present to receive the prize on June 17 at 1:00pm, or it shall be awarded to the next team with the most inches caught and a participant present.