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Sunday Bulletin: November 26, 2017

Here are the latest happenings at NESBC!!!

Hampton NH Baptist Church

Safety Ministry

As discussed in Sunday School two weeks, ago we are in the process of forming a new safety and emergency response ministry in the event of a fire, medical issue, service, disruption, weather events, and active shooters. We will be taking a special love offering following the Lord’s Supper today. We will need approximately $500 to invest in a specialized training program provided by Sheepdog Church Security ( Any extra funds collected will go to hiring a professional assessor to examine our ministry and implement upgrades. If you are willing to serve on the Safety Ministry, please see Pastor Tim. Our goal is to get this ministry started ASAP.

Thanksgiving Service

We will have special Thanksgiving Service with the Lord’s Supper today. For those interested, there will be an informal “Leftover Dinner” following the service. Feel free to enjoy the leftover goodies and great fellowship.

Prayer Chain

We are looking for members who would like to be involved in establishing a prayer chain. We need someone who is email and phone savvy and readily available to contact other attenders about prayer requests and special needs.

Midweek Services

Midweek services are back to their regular schedule this week. Pastor Tim will be in Hampton on Thursday for the discipleship class.

Holiday Schedule

November 26 - Thanksgiving Service & Leftovers

December 10 - Christmas Concert 2:00pm

December 17 - Christmas Hymn Sing with Manny

December 24 - Regular Sunday Services with a Sleigh Ride at Charmingfare Farm in Candia at 3:00pm. Cost is $20/person

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