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Sunday Bulletin: August 13, 2017


Here are the latest happenings at NESBC!!!

Hampton NH Baptist Church

Midweek Services

We will continue a new series on Wednesday night entitled, Finding Purpose In Problems. The Thursday night study will meet at the VanDyne’s at 7:00pm.

Discipleship Class

An introduction to Christianity class now meets bi-weekly at 7:00pm at Dunkin Donuts in Hampton. All are welcome. Our next class will be on Thursday, August 24.

Are You Tech Savvy?

Are you tech savvy or social media friendly? We have ministry opportunities in the audio/video ministry, the publication of announcements on the church app, Instagram, uploading sermons, website maintenance, and Facebook administration. If you are interested in any or all of these area, please see Pastor Tim.

Audio & Video Recording

We are now broadcasting Wednesday night (6:30pm) and Sunday worship services (10:30am) live on Facebook. The broadcast goes live five minutes prior to the service. This means that any conversations or walking in front of the camera will be recorded. The camera has a very wide angle and captures the whole front of the room. Anytime the light on the camera is red, it is recoding. We also use a high quality microphone that pick up most of the conversations in the room. Please be conscientious that your private conversations may be heard live online. You are giving the world a window into NESBC. Our desire is that this window glorifies the Lord.

Scripturally Sound: A Biblical Approach To Music in the Modern Church.

On Sunday afternoon, September 3rd will will begin a new discipleship class on the topic of music in regards to christian worship. We will take a Bible-centered approach and form biblical principles to guide the believer in his music choices.

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