Psalm of the Day: Psalm 67
Wisdom of the Day: Ecclesiastes 5:8-20
Scripture Reading: Luke 6:1-5
We should notice in this passage how graciously our Lord Jesus Christ pleaded the cause of His disciples, and defended them against their accusers. We are told that He answered the accusations of the Pharisees with arguments by which they were silenced, if not even convinced. He did not leave His disciples to fight their battle alone. He came to their rescue, and spoke for them.
We have in this fact, a cheering illustration of the work that Jesus is ever doing on behalf of His people. There is one, we read in the Bible, who is called "the accuser of the brethren, who accuses them day and night" — even Satan, the prince of this world (Revelation 12:10).
How many grounds of accusation we give him, by reason of our infirmity! How many charges he may justly lay against us before God! But let us thank God that believers "have an Advocate with the Father — Jesus Christ the righteous," who is ever maintaining the cause of His people in Heaven, and continually making intercession for them.
Let us take comfort in this cheering thought. Let us daily rest our souls on the recollection of our great Friend in Heaven. Let our morning and evening prayer continually be, "Answer for me, answer for me, O Lord my God."
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, thank you for never letting me fight my battles alone.
Action Plan: How does Satan most easily attack you and what is the best ways to prepare and defend against these attacks?
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.