Psalm of the Day: Psalm 50
Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 28:15-28
Scripture Reading: Luke 5:1-11
We should observe how much a sense of God's presence humbles man and makes him feel sinfulness. We see this strikingly illustrated by Peter's words, when the miraculous catch of fish. We read, "He fell down at Jesus' knees saying "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!"
In measuring these words of Peter, we must remember the time at which they were spoken. Peter was a baby in grace — weak in faith, weak in experience, and weak in knowledge. At a later period in his life he would, doubtless, have said, "Abide with me," and not, "depart."
The words of Peter exactly express the first feelings of man when he is brought into anything like close contact with God. The sight of divine greatness and holiness makes him feel strongly his own littleness and sinfulness. Like Adam after the fall, his first thought is to hide himself. Like Israel under Sinai, the language of his heart is, "Do not let God speak with us, lest we die." (Exodus 20:19.)
Let us strive to know more our need of a mediator between ourselves and God. Let us seek more and more to realize that without Jesus, our thoughts of God can never be comfortable. The more clearly we see God, the more uncomfortable we feel. Above all, let us be thankful that we have in Jesus the very Mediator whose help us to draw near to God with boldness, and cast fear away.
Out of Christ, God is a consuming fire! In Christ, He is a reconciled Father!
Without Christ, the best person will tremble as he ponders his final destiny. Through Christ, the chief of sinners may approach God with confidence, and feel perfect peace.
Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, thank you that I may approach you with confidence because of Christ.
Action Plan: Modern Christianity often treats God as a casual buddy and pal. How does this undermine what I learned from the verses above? What should my reaction be when I read God's Word?
This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858
and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.
