Here are the latest happenings at NESBC!!!

Midweek Services
We will continue a new series on Wednesday night entitled, Finding Purpose In Problems. The Thursday night study at the VanDyne’s will finish the last lesson of Ask The Pastor.
Discipleship Class
An introduction to Christianity class now meets bi-weekly at 7:00pm at Dunkin Donuts in Hampton. All are welcome. Our next class will be on Thursday, August 10.
Are You Tech Savvy?
Are you tech savvy or social media friendly? We have ministry opportunities in the audio/video ministry, the publication of announcements on the church app, Instagram, uploading sermons, website maintenance, and Facebook administration. If you are interested in any or all of these area, please see Pastor Tim. Many hands make light work.
Ladies Bible Study
The ladies Bible study will meet next on Tuesday August 8th at 4:45 at the Burger King in Epping. We will begin studying the Proverbs 31 woman.
Church Gifts
A fresh supply of customized NESBC magnets and pens have finally arrived. They are for the purpose of welcoming guests and introducing our church. If you would like one, please feel free to take one off of the Welcome Table.
The Lord’s Supper
We will be observing the Lord’s Supper together after the morning message. If you have accepted Christ as Savior and taken the step of obedience in the waters of baptism by immersion, you are welcome to partake. We will be taking a love offering at the close of the service for those in need.