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Daily Devotion: Wednesday

Hampton NH Baptist Church Churches

Psalm of the Day: Psalm 119:169-176

Wisdom of the Day: Proverbs 1:17-33

Scripture Reading: Luke 10:1-7

The fourth point in our Lord's charge to the seventy disciples is the simple-minded and contented spirit which He bade them to exhibit. Wherever they tarried, in traveling about upon their Master's business, they were to avoid the appearance of being fickle, changeable, or hard to please about food and lodging. They were to "eat and drink such things" as were given them. They were not to "go from house to house."

We ought to be careful to avoid the spirit of the world. Simplicity in food and household arrangements, and readiness to put up with any accommodation, so long as health can be preserved uninjured, should always be the mark of the "man of God." Satan has ruined many a man by getting him comfortable with worldly comforts.

We must beware of thinking too much about our meals, and our furniture, and our houses, and all those many things which concern the life of the body. We must strive to live like men whose first thoughts are about the immortal soul. We must endeavor to pass through the world like men who are not yet at home, and are not overly troubled about the fare they meet with on the road, and at the inn. Blessed are those who feel like pilgrims and strangers in this life and whose best things are all to come!

Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, help me to live for heaven as my home and not be satisfied with this world's pleasures.

Action Plan: What modern comforts and likes distract you from serving the Lord or hinder your relationship with God? Make a list and seek God's guidance on how you should prioratize these things.

This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858

and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.

New England Shores Baptist Church Hampton NH Seacoast

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