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Daily Devotion: Saturday


Hampton NH Baptist Church Churches

Psalm of the Day: Psalm 106:33-48

Wisdom of the Day: Job 26:1-14

Scripture Reading: Luke 8:41-48

Let us see in the conduct of the woman before us a striking picture of the first beginnings of saving faith and its effect. We are told that she "came behind" our Lord, and "touched the hem of His garment, and immediately her bleeding stopped." The act appeared a most simple one, and utterly inadequate to produce any great result. But the effect of that act was most marvelous! In an instant, the poor sufferer was healed. The relief that many physicians had failed to give in "twelve years" was obtained in one moment.

It is hard to conceive a more lively image of the experience of many souls, than the history of this woman's cure. Hundreds could testify that they long sought spiritual help from physicians of no value, and wearied their souls by using remedies which brought no cure. They came to Christ by faith, with all their sins, and to their amazement, at once found relief! And now they feel more comfort and hope than they ever felt before. The burden was rolled off their backs. The weight was taken off their minds. Light was breaking in on their hearts. They begin to "rejoice in hope of the glory of God" (Romans 5:2). They came to Jesus just as they were and were healed.

Forever let it be engraved on our hearts, that faith in Christ is the grand secret of peace with God. Without it we shall never find inward rest. Without it we may go to religious services daily, and receive the Lord's Supper every week; we may give our goods to the poor, and our bodies to be burned; we may fast and wear sackcloth, and live the lives of hermits. All this we may do, and be miserable after all.

One true believing touch of Christ, is of more worth than all these things put together. The pride of human nature may not like it! But it is true! Thousands will rise up at the last day and testify that they never felt comfort of soul until they came to Christ by faith, and were content to cease from their own works, and be saved wholly and entirely by His grace!

Prayer for the Day: Dear Lord, help my lack of faith.

Action Plan: James says that faith without works is dead. How is your faith working today?

This devotional was taken from The Gospel of Luke by J.C. Ryle published in 1858

and adapted by Pastor Tim Lewis of New England Shores Baptist Church.

New England Shores Baptist Church Hampton NH Seacoast

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